~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Traditional Chinese Language Pack for Opencart v1.5.6 ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Installation Guide - install.txt FrEd Chung (MindForward.com) Contact: fred@mindforward.com Last Update: 4 Aug 2013 ======================== Installation Instruction ======================== Upload the 2 folders inside this archive directly in the opencart root Warning: Make sure your OpenCart version is 1.5.6 Login your opencart admin and go to System > Localisation > Languages Insert a new language, Complete the form as follow: Language Name: Traditional Chinese Code: zh_HK Locale: zh_HK.UTF-8,zh_HK,zh-hk,hongkong Image: hk.png Directory: zh-HK Filename: zh-HK Status: Enabled Sort Order: Any number To make the Chinese language as the default one, in your admin go to System > Settings > Click edit on your store > then go to the tab Local, select the language "Traditional Chinese" and save it. ========================= 繁體中文語言包 - 安裝指引 ========================= 下載後, 解壓壓縮包, 裡面有兩個文件夾,分別是 Admin及catalog。把它們上傳到你的 OpenCart 網站根目錄內。 之後登錄到你的網店後台。 注意: 請確保你現在的版本是 OpenCart v1.5.6 1. 設定及新増語言 登錄到你的網店後台並選擇: System > Localisation > Languages > Insert (新増語言) 填入如下並保存 (Save): Language Name: 繁體中文 Code: zh_HK Locale: zh_HK.UTF-8,zh_HK,zh-hk,hongkong Image: hk.png Directory: zh-HK Filename: zh-HK Status: Enabled (啓動) Sort Order: 任意數字 2. 把中文語言設置為默認語言 選擇: System -> Settings -> Local 在 Language 及 Administration Language 項目中設為 "繁體中文" 後並保存 (Save)